Asbestos Remediation / Abatement

Image of flaking lead paint needing remediation Image of asbestos roofing from Australia

  • Asbestos fibers contain harmful contaminants that can damage the lungs and cause certain cancers. They are released from asbestos containing materials (ACMs).
  • Friable ACMs release fibers more readily than
    encapsulated asbestos containing materials.
  • Abatement methods include the use of Polyethlyene
    film to seal an area and negative air machines fitted with
    HEPA filters to create a negative air pressure environment.
  • Contact your local health dept. for state and local
    regulations regarding asbestos abatement where you are.

Image of fibrous asbestos on muscovite

Asbestos has been used in thousands of products which are collectively referred to as asbestos-containing material (ACM). Asbestos abatement is the process of the safe removal and reduction of asbestos hazards in your environment. This is a serious safety concern as humans can be harmed during unsafe renovations or abatement jobs in locations with ACMs. Asbestos is known to be a carcinogen based on studies of asbestos workers and laboratory animals. The EPA concludes there is no level of exposure below which the risks of contracting an asbestos-related disease are zero, meaning that there is no safe level of exposure. It is believed that even low levels of exposure can be extremely harmful over time. HEPA filtration equipment is essential to proper and safe conduction of asbestos abatement and renovation projects, and AirWorkx™ negative air machines are certified and up to the task.

Common Abatement Methods:

Enclosure is the easiest method. ACM's are covered with flexible wall covering, paneling or gypsum board and sealed. Enclosure works best on large, flat surfaces that are not subject to friction.

Removal may be done on or off the work-site. On-site ACM removal often creates large amounts of fibers and dust. This is a job for professionals who utilize air filtration systems equipped with HEPA filters.

Replacement involves removing the object containing asbestos entirely and replacing it with new material. It’s one of the best methods for interior or extremely friable ACMs.

Encapsulation covers and seals the ACM with a special coating. It is less expensive than more thorough methods of abatement, but not suitable in all cases or for surfaces subject to friction.

For further information, please visit
the EPA Asbestos site, at:

Or contact your local health department.